Friday, October 1, 2010


"Let the rain kiss you.  Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.  Let the rain sing you a lullaby."  Langston Hughes has been raining!!!  We were lucky though.  We didn't have to drive in the worst of it.  When we left Richmond, it was just a normal rain...and we were ahead of it all the way.  By the time we got home, though, the clouds were rolling in and the heavens opened during the night.  I love the sound of rain at night.  That is why I love the above quote.  It really is like the rain sings a lullaby.  When I was a kid, there was a tin roof over my bedroom and I can still remember the thunderous drumming of the rain.  It was nice to be safe inside - which is what I felt after getting home.  All around us there is flooding.  The little stream that runs beside one of the main roads leading to my house is now a little rushing river.  The wind blew down one of my bird feeders - but the little birds are still trying to make quick trips from the nearby bush to the feeder to grab a few seeds and take them back to where it  is relatively dry, deep in the bush.

We have workers at the house today.  Another bathroom is being installed, and some railings are being put in.  Every time they go out the door, or come in (which is VERY often) the dog barks like she has never seen them before.  sigh.  I love this poor little old barking mess of a dog!  She has not left my side since I returned.  I don't know how people live without pets.

We had a nice- quick- visit to Richmond...and my sister!  Got my hair done, as planned - whew!  No more gray least for a few weeks!  We ran some errands and visited our friend, Marguerite, at The Alchemist.  Also, we toured the Crosswalk Art Gallery where my sister, Patricia Motley, is going to be showing some of her work.  I am so proud of her.  Her art work is beautiful and I am glad that - finally - others will be able to experience it.

The only bad part about driving to Richmond and back is the traffic on 95.  When we were coming home Wednesday, it wasn't too bad - but on the drive down it was terrible.  We were driving 25 mph forever.  And all those Bozos who race past you on the shoulder of the road and then cut in front, drive me crazy.  I always wonder where the cops are!!!

So - now back to the ordinary.  Must do laundry.  But, a nice rainy day inside is sometimes - like today - a real treat!

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