Wednesday, October 20, 2010


"The only time a politician is telling the truth is when he calls another politician a liar."  

I saw this quote posted in the front yard of a house on my way to the grocery store - and it made me laugh.  But, it was a laugh mixed with a bit of sadness and a lot of frustration and anger.  I am so weary of the assault of political ads every time I turn on the TV.  Just a bunch of hot air and negativity, and....yes....lies.  The thing that astounds me is the amount of money being shelled out for these campaigns.  Millions and millions of dollars.  And - the candidates have the nerve to talk about wasteful spending by the government...the plight of the struggling middle class...the homes falling into foreclosure...the unemployment rate, etc. 

I would like to see them throw the money that they are spending on these ads into one of these areas of need.  If politicians can raise this much money - then why can't they find a way to pay for health care...or help the homeless...or improve education.  The list goes on and on.  Just think what this money could do.

I don't know what the answer is.  Maybe if NO ONE showed up to the polls to vote.  Maybe then they would get the message.  Of course - the problem with that is the impossibility of getting EVERYONE on board.  So - I know it is not an option.  So...once again....we will trudge out to the voting booths...cast our one little vote...and pray.  However...I kind of feel like it is as useful as spitting in the wind.


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