"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me." C.S. Lewis
I am a devoted tea drinker. It isn't that I don't like coffee...I really do...but at some point I decided that tea was better for me, so I switched. Actually, it probably wasn't so much that the coffee was bad for me...it was more about that non-dairy powdered creamer that I used by the boat load in each cup. Anything that artificial has to corrode something vital in my body.
So - back to tea. I love mornings when I can consume the entire pot. Of course, that means that I can't go anywhere until afternoon because of all the time I spend getting rid of the tea I drank!! Every cup is worth two trips to the bathroom. OK...perhaps that is TMI...but I know I am not the only one with this problem.
My favorite tea is just about anything from The Republic of Tea. Fabulous flavored tea - and the British Breakfast tea is wonderfully bracing in the morning. I don't use those dainty china teacups, however. For me, my cup of choice is the biggest ceramic mug I can find. I certainly have some lovely teacups - but it seems like such a waste of time for me. I guess I am more of a "chugger" than a "sipper." (Sound dreadful, now that I have put it into words!)
On the weekends I like to use loose tea. Something about that feels more "weekend-y" to me. It really does taste better. I had a hard time finding just the right "tea ball" however. Finally found one through Amazon.com that is like those gold coffee filters they make for coffee makers. (You really CAN find everything at Amazon!)
On Sundays I now have the luxury of two papers - the Morning Call and the New York Times. A pot of tea, two papers, CBS Sunday Morning on TV...mmmmm....THAT is what a call a great morning!!!
Not sure why I decided to write about tea today...perhaps it is because I just added it to my grocery list. So, I will end this bit of drivel with another quote I found by an unknown author:
"Remember the tea kettle - it is always up to its neck in hot water, yet it still sings!"
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