Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have been reading The Idiot's Guide to Elves and Fairies.  Before you panic - I am reading it as research since the book I am working on is Fantasy.  I wanted to carry it with me the other day when I was anticipating a long wait to get my Driver's License, but was afraid of the strange looks I would get.  Anyway - I started wondering about these Idiot Guide books...and just what kind of strange topics they cover.  If they have a book about Elves and Fairies - then they should have one for anything!  I recognized this was an excellent opportunity to procrastinate and waste some time surfing the net!

So - a quick trip to provided a few answers:

The Idiot's Guide to Mindfulness - This was first on the list.  Good place to start.  Concentration.
The Idiot's Guide to U.S. Gov't. and Politics - Should be required reading in Washington. (I am also tempted to say something catty about Sarah Palin - but will leave that to your imagination.)
The Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex - I kid you not!  Just think - all it takes is a book!!!  Who knew?!
The Idiot's Guide to the Law of Attraction - This one only has five copies left.  Order soon!
The Idiot's Guide to 2012 - I am having enough trouble with 2010!
The Idiot's Guide to Algebra - Could have used that in high school!
The Idiot's Guide to the Bible AND The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Bible - wonder what the difference is?  Maybe more color pictures in the one for the Complete Idiot.
The Idiot's Guide to Writing a Novel - I've been tempted to get this one.
The Idiot's Guide to Eating Raw - How many ways can you say "Don't cook it"?

Moving on - I looked for the "Dummies" books...didn't find as many of those.

Sex for Dummies - Sounds less appealing then the amazing sex promised to idiots.
How to Fix Everything for Dummies - Everything???  Really??? Why....because they can't do it for themselves?  Sorry...corny joke!
Facebook for Dummies - I love it!
A Complete MBA for Dummies - I have to find this book and look through it...

Wonder what the difference is between being a Dummy and being an Idiot.  And - what about a Complete Idiot???

Maybe reading about Elves and Fairies isn't so crazy after all...but if you see me reading about Amazing Sex, don't interrupt me!!! 

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