Friday, July 30, 2010


"Bad moods become bad days, which become bad weeks, which become bad months and years.  Before you know it you're living an unhappy life and you probably think this is normal."  Brenda Anderson

I was looking for a quote about grouchiness when I found this dismal and depressing statement by Brenda Anderson.  My curiosity was piqued and so I did some research to find out who this Miss Susie Sunshine was.  Turns out she has a Ph.D. in Psychology and her work involves the biological basis for the effects of exercise and stress on mental health and cognition. least she is not a counselor.

Anyway...I am in a bad mood.  I freely admit it.  This is not the norm for I notice it.  I think it must be something wrong with the planets, or stars, or whatever weird astrological forces are lurking in the atmosphere.  It seems like everything I set out to do is involved, complicated, or impossible.  Everything I pick up - I drop...everything I reach for - I can't know how it goes.

Things are coming down to the wire for our move...and there are so many little details to take of.  Everything that is done by faxing has to be done at least three times.  Important emails seem to disappear into the black hole of the Internet, and things that I have been trying to get settled all summer (like getting a new wheelchair) just keep getting more complicated. 

So - I suppose I am grumpy for a reason.  Still - it doesn't feel like me.  Even writing this blog is like pulling teeth.  Yes, I know that is a dreadful cliche...but it's the best I can do for now.  No one wants to read my whining...yet, here I am...recording it all for your reading "pleasure!" 

I guess we all go through days like this.  The only thing I know for sure is that my sense of humor is still intact...even though it may be a tad dark and skewed.  I have to keep laughing...or I may turn into Brenda Anderson!