Monday, July 5, 2010


Do you believe in ghosts?  What do you think about the afterlife?  Is it possible for someone to communicate with the dead?

Okay - strange subject for me.  But, see, one of the characters in my new novel is a ghost.  I suppose we have been conditioned by countless movies and main-stream TV shows to accept the reality of ghosts for entertainment purposes.  But, what about the real thing?

I have read several books about near-death experiences - and they aren't all the familiar "tunnel of light" stuff.  There is actually a scientific foundation committed to the study of NDE's. It is aptly called, The Near Death Experience Research Foundation.  They have thousands of documented cases of people who have detailed accounts of what life after death may hold for us.  Interesting, at least.  And there have always been psychics who claim to be able to communicate with dead loved ones - or even assist in solving crimes.  The results, while not conclusive, are compelling enough to cause us to think about the possibilities. 

There are two books I have seen recently that have different perspectives on the same subject.  One is entitled, 23 Minutes in Hell, by Bill Wiese and the other is, 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper.  The obvious distinction here is the difference in time spent in each place!  Also - it is fascinating to note that the Amazon rankings show that the book about Hell is far more popular than the one about Heaven!  I guess we all have a curiousity about the dark side. Similar to the compulsion we feel to rubber-neck at the site of an accident.

Dr. Sandy Kalaora lives in Richmond, VA, and I have met her briefly.  Her work is quite intriguing.  Check out her website: RIP Ghost Hunters.  The photos are amazing. 

So - let me know what you think.  Of course - I am writing fiction...but I can't help but be curious about reality.  Part of being a writer means asking yourself the question: "What if.....?"

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