Friday, July 16, 2010


"Writing is easy:  All you do is sit staring at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead."  Gene Fowler   "There's nothing to writing.  All you do is sit down at the typewriter and open a vein."  Red Smith

I know...there are two quotes, but I couldn't choose between them because they express what it feels like for me today.  Only I have not been staring at blank paper...but at the blank computer screen.  My mind is not blank, however.  I think that is the problem.  My mind is filled with all the irritating minutia that can choke the life out of the imagination.  At least, that is what it does for me.

There is that overused concept of writing what you know...writing from your own experience.  If I were to do that today...I would write reams of paper about dealing with my health insurance company over acquiring a new wheelchair.  My insurance covers the cost of a new wheelchair...just not the kind of wheelchair that anyone who really NEEDS a wheelchair would use.  This situation is filled with drama, tension, and a little bit of dark humor...but it does not make a great springboard for fabulous writing.  Great bitching material, however.

I could write about paying the bills - another task for today and another sparkling topic that falls flat - even though most of my readers can identify with the fact that it is a completely joyless experience. Good old Ross Perot said, "Once you pay the bills, money is the most over rated thing in the world."  There is a little bit of truth to that - but I am sure Ross Perot had someone else pay his bills, so I don't believe he was truly speaking from personal experience. 

Then there is laundry, and decisions about dinner, and sorting the mail..etc.etc.etc.  Just everyday stuff that fills my brain like knots made of Silly String, choking creativity and the clock keeps ticking away the hours and minutes...and I have nothing "blog-worthy" to show for it!  I have no idea how people actually Tweet!  What do they say??? 

So - this is my life today....just ordinary...just normal....but, hey!  I filled up the blank page with words - so that has to count for something!!!

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