Monday, October 10, 2011


"To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart."  Phylliss Theroux

There has been a lot in the news lately about the necessity of closing some smaller post offices.  I find this so very sad.  My Dad was the Postmaster of the Warrenton Post Office for many years - and so the institution played a huge part in my life.  This picture is one that was taken fairly recently, I suppose.  I don't remember all the bushes and trees. 
I do remember going to visit my Dad and playing in the back on the mail carts.  I'm sure that the postal workers were less than enthused by my worrisome chatter - but they were always gracious!  No one ever delivered our mail since Daddy brought it home with him from work every day - and the only time of the year that I was ever slightly interested in mail was during the Christmas season.  Of course, I looked forward to the Sear's Wishbook, like every other kid...but I also loved the Christmas cards.  What happened to the joy of Christmas cards?

It seemed that sending Christmas cards became a duty...a chore to get through.  And people were always looking for ways to make their list shorter.  I even know some folks who recorded who they RECEIVED a card from and used that information to create the next year's list.  Miss a year, and you are off the list forever! No holiday wishes for you!

I also remember when the Christmas newsletter started slipping in among the stack of colorful, glitter-filled holiday wishes.  Typed on a boring piece of paper (sometimes with a gratuitous print of a wreath or snowman) hand-written note - not even a written signature... filled with mind-numbing details that might have been more interesting if the sender had simply called occasionally and made personal contact.  And, the real kicker was the typed address label. A mass mailing.  Not terribly festive.  

So, why this rant about Christmas October?  Because sometimes I mourn the loss of good old human contact.  Emails and IM's and FB postings are good - but they are just not the same.  So, I am going to make a preposterous offer.  Are you ready?  Ok...

If you would like to receive a good old fashioned Christmas card with a hand-written note this year from ME - send your name and address to my email:  No solicitation - or networking - no ulterior motive...just a desire to give something back during the season.  I won't use your address for anything else.  I promise.  

I simply would like to send you a little happy sparkly good cheer this year.  Who couldn't use a little bit of that?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


"Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you."  Hafiz of Persia

Lately, I have been giving some thought as to what makes me happy....what makes me smile.  I can get so caught up in making sure that everything gets done and that everyone around me is taken care of, that I forget to take a moment for myself and just "check in."  I'm sure I am not the only one.  I get lost in the "shoulds" and the "ought to's" of life and sometimes lose sight of the little things that bring me joy.  I stop looking for the zillion's of delights that are just waiting for me to pay attention and simply smile.

I love wild sneakers.  The wilder, the better.  And if they happen to have "sparklie"s on them - that is just a bonus. I have a closet full and every time I wear them, I smile - and so do people around me.  Of course, they may be thinking I am crazy - but I don't care.  Bright colorful shoes make me happy.  And - since I am in a wheelchair, they last forever!!!  

I love Sesame Street.  Who can frown while watching the Muppets?  All that bright fuzzy fur and big eyes and crazy voices.  When I flick through the channels and find them - I always stop and watch for awhile.  It is like getting a giggle infusion.  Who couldn't use one of those?

I love animals - all kinds (except I am not too fond of snakes.)  And I absolutely adore dogs!  If I could, I would have at least six.  But, being a realist, I know that sometimes dogs poop and pee where they are not supposed to - so six is far too many!   But, I start every day with a visit to Cute Overload. Wonderful photos of animals just being cute.  Uncomplicated joy just waiting for me every morning.  And, of course, I have my own dog and cat, who provide an unending source of entertainment.

I love quiet music and good books and I love to watch the birds at the feeders outside my windows.  There is a particularly fussy bluejay that lets me know when the feeders need refilling.  He makes me smile.  Also, there is a chipmunk that scampers up the tree and crams seeds in his cheeks like crazy.  At the beginning of summer, he jumped into the pool, and we had to fish him out.  Since then, he is careful to stay away from the water.  Lesson learned, I guess.

I love to laugh - and can usually find humor in just about everything.  Laughter is life-giving, I think.  And, we certainly could use more of it these days. Sometimes all you CAN do is laugh.  Politics comes to mind.

Maybe it is a good thing to "slow down" and let happiness catch you.  Just embrace the things that make you happy - even if they don't make sense to anyone else.  Honor your own heart.

Are you smiling yet?